2023 Mid Year Perks Study LP

The results are in! Your Path to a More Engaged Workforce:

A gap exists between what employers believe employees need and what they actually desire. While companies are now offering more benefits than ever before, they often miss the mark on what truly matters to their employees.

We conducted a comprehensive study of lifestyle benefits data from the first half of 2023, examining original data from Compt customers, including top Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA) categories and how employees spend their stipends when given a choice. The utilization data reveals how much money companies are offering in stipends and how frequently they reward their teams.

Download the report and learn:

  • Real data from real companies across a variety of industries that have shifted to personalized Lifestyle Spending Accounts
  • Employee spending habits and preferences from more than hundreds of thousands of individual stipend transactions
  • How your competitors are attracting and retaining talent through competitive stipend offerings

Fill out the form NOW to see the results!